Tension Headache
Posted by
Linux Dünyası
on Tuesday, August 21, 2012
A specific flow at a pressure of blood vessels. This pressure is within certain limits, although they vary from person to person. Rise above a certain level of blood pressure in vascular hypertension, high blood pressure is called. Hypertension in the body's vascular system in the meantime due to an increase in pressure in a closed box in the skull leads to headaches. Especially in patients with previously treated hypertension was diagnosed and started out as a sudden severe headaches, and the physician must apply to be vigilant about. No ortaay without due cause severe headaches that should be a warning. Bleeding in the brain may occur as a result of the rising blood pressure. May be due to an increase in blood pressure, such as bleeding in the brain can be seen as a result of traffic accidents or blows. Patient with dizziness, loss of consciousness develops. There are times when gradually developed a cerebral haemorrhage. A specific finding that patients be seen immediately after the accident. During this period, the brain continues to bleed. Level, however, does not give signs. Accumulate in the head puts pressure on vital areas as time goes on and as a result also becomes fatal. Another important point of headache pain are due to a brain tumor.
Many headache patients often so it would apply to the first fear tümörüdür.Hekime brain. However, brain tumors are not common as previously thought. Headache is not the only one finding of brain tumors. Headache, as well as the nerves of the tumor bulunduuğu bölgleerdeki numbness, tingling, and signs, as well as nausea, vomiting, dizziness complaints are added. Percentage again emerged as a very severe pain of trigeminal neuralgia is the name of one of the hundreds of our pain. Electric shock, severe pain that arise in a similar manner. Diagnosis is easy, the treatment has been significant progress in recent years. This treatment of trigeminal neuralgia treated with surgery in the past just now entering and burning of the nerves outside of the region as observed in X-ray methods can be highlighted.
All headache treatment has evolved significantly in recent years. Whatever the cause of headaches headache treatment principles: first, the prevention of pain, pain in the hedge, ie the emergence of pain englelemek, and the latter, when it comes to pain, pain relief in the form of rotation can be handled in two ways. For the prevention of pain, aspirin and similar drugs, and more recently with the use of a variety of drugs called antidepressants other muscle relaxants newly normally used for pain, vascular openers, it is possible to kolyalıkla the prevention of attacks of pain through the use of lowering blood pressure. Principle is important here, removal of the brain, the brain relies on the knowledge of pain. That is, knowledge of pain as much as possible to minimize patient pain regularly, The use of continuous pain relief is required. Moreover, in recent years, migraine, sumatriptan developed for the control of seizure called migeren iliçlar has yarayabilen really work. Non-drug methods other than drugs in the patient's neck exercises, relaxation exercises, as well as the methods it is possible to take control of a headache.
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